Happy international frog day

Happy international frog day!



Frogs are cosmopolitian in distribution. They live in and around wet areas. There are about 2600 species of frogs identified so far throughout the world. Among them the bulfrog(ranatrigrina) is widely spread in both the tropical and temperate countries except Australia,New Zealand,and South America. 


Frog is an amphibious animal,so it can live both in water and land as well. It is solidarily,nonpoisnous and harmless animal.its lives near  in the freshwater ponds, pools , river,streams.ditches,or rices,fields etc.it is never found in or near marine water. Even while , frogs come out of the water body, it doesnt go far away from moist place because of two reason. Firstly,to keep its body moist for the cuntaneous respirattion and secondly , to escape out from predator and by jumping quickly or slip into the water . For breeding,frog must visit the water,where the eggs and sperms are deposited for the fertilization, and laveral development also takes palce in water. Frog never drinks water ,it absorb water through skin. The green grasses near the water or in the dump places given them hiding place and also provides alot of frogs foods like worms , spiders,and insects.

Economic importance of frog;

Frog is a beneficial animal for agriculture,because it feeds on insects,which cayse great damage to crops.frogs are harmless and non poisonous in nature it is easy to handle and can easily be skinned .so,it is used as laboratory material for dissection. People in different countries used the muscular hind limbs of the frog as a delicious food.small frogs are used as bait for fishing. Frogs helps in ecological balance as an important biotic component in food web in the ecosystem. If we drink boiled water after boiling frogs it helps to cure different disease like'dadura' 'theula'.

At last i want to conclude that we should protect them .we should not destroyed there biological situations. They are very useful for us...

Once again happy international frog day!....



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