Martyrs' Day is commemorated in Nepal every year on MAGH16. It is a day set aside to honor those who sacrificed their lives in the struggle for the country's democracy and freedom. Every year, a state ceremony is held in Kathmandu to commemorate the martyrs of the Nepalese revolution. Senior government officials, members of parliament, prominent public figures, and the families of the martyrs attend the event. The national flag is flown at half-mast during the day and a two-minute silence is observed in memory of the martyrs. The struggle for democracy in Nepal began in 1951 when a popular uprising against the Rana oligarchy began. The Rana family had been ruling the country as autocrats since 1846. The movement was initially led by Nepali Congress, a party that was formed in India in 1949.

The cause was further strengthened by the emergence of the Communist Party of Nepal. The struggle intensified in 1959 when King Mahendra dissolved the democratically elected government and declared Nepal a one-party state. This led to the formation of an underground movement called the Nepal National Liberation Front (NNLF). The NNLF launched a series of attacks against government forces, which culminated in the overthrow of the Ranas in February of 1960. The struggle for democracy continued, and in February of 1989, the Nepali Congress and the Communist Party of Nepal merged to form the United Left Front (ULF). On 18th February 1990, King Birendra announced a new constitution and the formation of a multi-party parliamentary democracy in Nepal. The day is a reminder of the sacrifices made by the thousands of martyrs who laid down their lives in the pursuit of democracy and freedom in Nepal. It is a day to remember their courage and valor and to pay homage to those who gave their lives for the cause. 

The Martyrs' Day ceremony is held in the Martyrs' memorial park located in Kathmandu. The park is filled with portraits of the martyrs and small statues of people who died in the struggle. During the ceremony, wreaths are placed at the foot of the memorials, and prayers are offered in memory of the martyrs. The ceremony also includes speeches by prominent public figures, cultural activities, and performances by artists. The day is also a time for reflection on the values of freedom and democracy and to appreciate the significance of the sacrifices made by the martyrs. It is a solemn reminder of the need to uphold the values of democracy, justice, and human rights. Martyrs' Day is an important occasion in Nepal and is celebrated every year with great enthusiasm, respect, and reverence.


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