Nature and propagation of light |complete notes |class 12|NEB

 Nature and propagation of light |complete notes |class 12|NEB

Reflection is the bouncing back of light waves when they encounter a smooth surface, such as a mirror or still water. T

The degree of bending depends on the refractive index of the two media and the angle of incidence. The relationship between the angles of incidence and refraction is described by Snell's law:

n1sinθ1 = n2sinθ2

Diffraction is the bending of light waves around an obstacle or through a narrow opening. 

Interference is the interaction between two or more light waves that results in either constructive or destructive interference. Constructive interference occurs when the peaks of two waves align, resulting in a larger wave. 
Light is a type of energy that is produced by different sources like the sun, stars, lights, and so on. A kind of electromagnetic radiation is noticeable to the natural eye. The nature and engendering of light are represented by a few actual standards and regulations, which we will examine in this outline.

Nature of Light:
Light is made out of little bundles of energy called photons. It displays both wave-like and molecule like properties, contingent upon the way things are estimated or noticed. This property is known as wave-molecule duality. The wave-like properties of light incorporate reflection, refraction, diffraction, and impedance, while the molecule like properties incorporate ingestion and discharge.

Proliferation of Light:
Light goes in straight lines until it experiences a vehicle of an alternate refractive record. At the point when light goes through a medium with an alternate refractive file, it twists or refracts, which causes the shift in course of light beams. The level of refraction relies upon the point of frequency, the refractive record of the medium, and the frequency of the light.

At the point when light goes through a straightforward medium, for example, air or water, some of it is reflected back and some of it is refracted. How much light that is thought about depends the point of occurrence and the refractive records of the two media included. This peculiarity is known as reflection.

The interaction by which light twists around a hindrance or fans out subsequent to going through an opening is known as diffraction. How much diffraction relies upon the size of the opening or obstruction and the frequency of the light.

Impedance happens when at least two influxes of light meet and their amplitudes either add up or counteract, contingent upon the stage connection between them. This peculiarity can be seen in numerous normal and man-made frameworks, for example, cleanser bubbles, meager movies, and holography.

All in all, the nature and engendering of light are administered by different actual standards and regulations. Understanding these standards is pivotal in fields like optics, media communications, and photonics. By concentrating on the way of behaving of light, we can foster new advances and applications that can help society in numerous ways.

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