physics important questions |class 12|mechanics|NEB EXAM

 physics important questions |class 12|mechanics|NEB Exam

Rotational Dynamics:

  • State the law of conservation of angular momentum. Give an example where this law is applicable.
  • Derive the equation for torque as a vector product of force and the displacement vector.
  • State and prove the perpendicular axis theorem.
  • Define moment of inertia. Derive the expression for moment of inertia of a ring, disc and a solid sphere about their axis of rotation.
  • Derive the expression for the kinetic energy of a rotating body.
  • State the conditions for a body to be in equilibrium.
  • Explain the concept of rolling motion. Derive the relation between linear velocity and angular velocity of a rolling body.
  • Explain the effect of friction on rolling motion.
  • Derive the expression for the time period of a simple pendulum. What are the factors on which the time period of a pendulum depends?
  • Explain the concept of gyroscope. Derive the expression for the precession frequency of a gyroscopes.

Fluid Dynamics:

  1. Define viscosity. What is the effect of temperature on the viscosity of fluids?
  2. State and explain Pascal's law. Give an example where this law is applicable.
  3. Explain Bernoulli's theorem. Derive the equation for Bernoulli's principle.
  4. Derive the equation of continuity. Explain the principle of continuity.
  5. What is Reynold's number? How is it used to determine the type of flow?
  6. State and explain Stoke's law. Give an example where Stoke's law is applicable.
  7. Define surface tension. Derive the expression for the excess pressure inside a liquid drop.
  8. Explain the concept of capillary action. Derive the equation for the height of rise of a liquid in a capillary tube.
  9. What is the equation of motion for a fluid? Derive the Navier-Stokes equation.
  10. Explain the concept of turbulence. What is the difference between laminar flow and turbulent flow?

Simple Harmonic Motion:

  1. Define simple harmonic motion. Derive the equation for displacement, velocity and acceleration of a particle executing simple harmonic motion.
  2. What is the difference between periodic and oscillatory motion? Give an example of each.
  3. Derive the expression for the time period of a simple harmonic oscillator. What is the relation between time period and frequency?
  4. Explain the concept of energy conservation in simple harmonic motion.
  5. Derive the equation for the maximum velocity and maximum acceleration of a particle in simple harmonic motion.
  6. Explain the concept of amplitude, frequency and phase angle in simple harmonic motion.
  7. What is the difference between simple harmonic motion and damped harmonic motion? Give an example of each.
  8. Derive the equation for forced oscillations. What is resonance?
  9. Explain the concept of beats. Derive the equation for the beat frequency.
  10. Define wave motion. Explain the difference between longitudinal waves and transverse waves.
To help you in your studies, there are many resources available online that can provide you with useful information and tips. One such resource is the link that has been provided to you, which contains important questions related to physics.

These questions have been carefully selected to help you prepare for your upcoming exams and tests. However, I urge you not to rely solely on these questions, but to also practice solving problems and understanding the underlying concepts.

either you can screenshot the questions or you can copy and paste all the questions list of your copy and start reading one by one.
hope this will help you in your upcoming NEB exam

Darshan Blogs

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