polarizations complete notes class12 NEB

 polarizations complete notes class12

In the context of physics, polarization refers to the orientation of the electric field vector of an electromagnetic wave. An electromagnetic wave can be described as a transverse wave, where the electric and magnetic fields oscillate perpendicular to the direction of propagation. In an unpolarized wave, the electric field vector can oscillate in any direction perpendicular to the direction of propagation.

Polarization can be achieved by restricting the oscillation direction of the electric field vector. This can be achieved in various ways, such as passing the wave through a polarizing filter, reflecting the wave off a surface at a certain angle, or by using birefringent materials.

There are three main types of polarization: linear, circular, and elliptical. In linear polarization, the electric field oscillates in a single direction, while in circular polarization, the electric field vector rotates around the direction of propagation. In elliptical polarization, the electric field oscillates in an elliptical pattern.

Polarization has many applications in optics, including the creation of 3D movies, glare reduction in sunglasses, and polarization microscopy in biology. It also plays a crucial role in modern communication technology, such as satellite communication and fiber-optic communication.


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