Thermoelectricity class 12 complete notes-NEB

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 It is based on the Seebeck effect, which states that when two dissimilar metals are joined together and there is a temperature gradient across the junction, an electric current is generated. This effect was discovered by Thomas Johann Seebeck in 1821.

Seebeck Effect:
The Seebeck effect is the fundamental principle behind thermoelectricity. It states that when two dissimilar metals are joined together and there is a temperature gradient across the junction, an electric current is generated. This effect occurs because of the difference in the electron concentration and mobility in the two metals. The magnitude of the generated voltage is proportional to the temperature difference across the junction.

Peltier Effect:
The Peltier effect is the inverse of the Seebeck effect. It states that when an electric current flows through two dissimilar metals that are joined together, heat is either absorbed or released at the junction, depending on the direction of the current. This effect occurs due to the flow of electrons from the metal with higher mobility to the metal with lower mobility.

The efficiency of a TEG is defined as the ratio of the electrical power output to the heat input. The efficiency of a TEG depends on several factors, including the temperature difference across the junction, the materials used for the thermocouples, and the resistance of the external load. The maximum theoretical efficiency of a TEG is about 5-8%, but the actual efficiency is usually lower.
The efficiency of a TEG depends on several factors, including the temperature difference across the junction and the materials used for the thermocouples.

Thermoelectricity alludes to the age of electric voltage or flow by the transformation of temperature contrasts between two distinct materials or a solitary material with various temperature districts. A peculiarity has been known for a really long time, and it has applications in different fields, including energy age, refrigeration, and temperature detecting. In this outline, we will talk about the essential standards of thermoelectricity, its set of experiences, and its functional applications.

Standards of Thermoelectricity:

The premise of thermoelectricity lies in the Seebeck impact, which is the change of a temperature contrast between two unique materials into an electric voltage. The Seebeck impact is named after Thomas Johann Seebeck, a German physicist who found this impact in 1821. As per the Seebeck impact, when two unique materials are combined, an electric potential distinction is produced between the two materials in the event that there is a temperature slope between them. The extent of the electric potential contrast is corresponding to the temperature distinction between the two materials and the properties of the materials utilized.

One more significant impact that is connected with thermoelectricity is the Peltier impact, which was found by Jean Charles Athanase Peltier, a French physicist, in 1834. As indicated by the Peltier impact, when an electric flow is gone through two distinct materials that are consolidated, heat is either ingested or delivered at the intersection of the two materials, contingent upon the course of the flow stream. This impact can be utilized for refrigeration and temperature control.

The third impact that is connected with thermoelectricity is the Thomson impact, which was found by William Thomson, a Scottish physicist, in 1851. As indicated by the Thomson impact, when an ongoing moves through a guide that has a temperature slope, an intensity stream is created opposite to the heading of the ongoing stream. This impact is connected with the Seebeck impact and can be utilized to gauge the temperature contrast between two materials.

As a general rule, thermoelectricity depends on the idea of the thermoelectric impact, which is the age of an electric voltage or flow by the transformation of a temperature inclination into an electric likely contrast. The thermoelectric impact is a complicated peculiarity that relies upon different material properties like electrical conductivity, warm conductivity, and the Seebeck coefficient, which is a proportion of the proficiency of a material to change over a temperature inclination into an electric possible contrast.

History of Thermoelectricity:

The historical backdrop of thermoelectricity traces all the way back to the mid nineteenth century when Thomas Johann Seebeck found the Seebeck impact. In his trials, Seebeck saw that when he associated two distinct metals (like copper and iron) at two unique temperatures, an ongoing stream was created in the circuit. He likewise saw that the bearing of the ongoing stream relied upon the sort of metal utilized and the temperature distinction between the two metals.

Afterward, during the 1830s, Jean Charles Athanase Peltier found the Peltier impact, which is the opposite of the Seebeck impact. Peltier saw that when an electric flow was gone through an intersection between two unique metals, heat was either ingested or delivered at the intersection, contingent upon the bearing of the flow stream.

During the 1850s, William Thomson found the Thomson impact, which is connected with the Seebeck impact. Thomson saw that when an ongoing coursed through a guide that had a temperature inclination, an intensity stream was produced opposite to the heading of the ongoing stream.

The improvement of thermoelectric materials went on in the twentieth 100 years, and new materials were found that had high thermoelectric productivity. During the 1950s, NASA created thermoelectric generators that pre-owned radioisotopes to produce power for space missions. Today, thermoelectric materials

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