10 Blogging Tips for Beginner

10 Blogging Tips for Beginners

This question comes into thousands of people's minds. They made tons of searches on Google and ended up with the frustration of visiting from one site to another. 
So, How Did I Start My Own Blog? The answer is straightforward because I was interested in Smartphones. And, I wanted to utilize that effectively, so I chose Blogging.

What is Blogging? (As a Beginner)

Blogging is writing about what you like. In other words, writing about what you know and providing valuable information to people searching for it. Let’s understand it more deeply. For instance, you know how to use professional cameras. Now, you can create a blog and share your knowledge about DSLRs. Now, think of a person who is searching for How to set up XYZ Camera manually? So, if you know about it, you can write an informative blog on it, and Google can show the same who are searching for it. You can also earn from a blog in several ways, such as Adsense, Sponsors, Affiliates, and more.

How to Start A Successful Blog? — Step-By-Step Guide

STEP 1. Choose a Niche (topic/interest)

Hey,  Can you please elaborate on it? I am new to this game. Do not worry; I will elaborate on everything in detail for you. In short words, a niche can also be known as a topic. And, you can understand the topic as an interest. For instance, I was interested in Technology. So, I started my blog on Smartphones Technology.

STEP 2. Start Looking at other Websites in your Niche

What do I mean by Start Looking on to other websites in your niche? Start visiting the website which comes under your place. Take inspiration for their content, such as How they write. Are they using Hard words? I would say start judging the other websites which come under your niche. After evaluating most of the sites, make your own structure and road map of your site. Take other websites' mistakes as your advantage

Step. 3. Take a Pen and Notebook or Use Online Notetaking Resources

Now, start writing content ideas on that note. If you really wanted to be successful in blogging. I would say research your interest or niche for almost 7 days. Your next step should be finding Content Ideas, i.e., on which you will write, e.g., If I am starting a Travel Website. So, I would write topics such as Best 5 Places to Visit in Delhi With Friends or Best 5 Temples to Visit in Delhi. 
Now, after doing the above steps. It is time to implement them.

A Domain and Best Hosting for Your Website

You might not understand these terms because you are new to them. Let me make a small glossary to understand better.

What is a Domain?

A domain is the unique name of your website. For Eg. Google. Com. Are you still confused? Let me make it more straightforward for you. For instance, Darshan takes an interest in bodybuilding. He wants to start his own blog because he is passionate about this. Now, darshan can choose a domain name called darshan building .com. Is it clear to you?

What is Hosting?

Hosting means a Virtual Space to store data on your website. Still vague? Let's take an example. Have you heard about Google Drive? If yes, then you must also have aware of how it stores your Videos, Documents, and Pictures in a single place. That's what Hosting does. Now, the Domain and Hosting both terms seem technical, but they are not much.

Is Domain Name and Hosting Costs Free?

I know the answer is No. But wait, the price of every domain varies from store to store. On average, a domain costs Rs. 800. And a hosting cost of at least Rs. 199/month.
 it is effortless to do it, and everyone can do it by watching a few YouTube tutorials. Thank you for understanding.

 the Mistakes that  I Have Made in My Blogging Journey.

I had made countless blunders with the first blog.

1. Choose Profitable Niches:
 The more profitable niche you choose, the more you will earn. There are several ways to make a blog—for instance, Google Adsense, Sponsors, Affiliate Marketing, Sponsor Articles, Brand Collaboration, etc. But not every niche can earn from the methods mentioned above. For Eg, a movie-downloading website can not earn from Google Adsense.

How many posts are required for monetization in blogging?

If you want to monetize your site with Google Adsense .you have to write each post minimum of 500 words, 20 to 30 posts. if you are writing 300 words post. you have to write 30 to 35 posts to monetize your blog.

Here are a few of but most important factors that help you to get Adsense approval fast those are as follows:-

Use top-level(custom) domain examples .com, .org, .in,
Create four Pages, to get fast approval About Us, Disclaimer, Contact Us, Privacy Policy,
Mobile-friendly(Responsive) Template and Customize it,
Unique 20–25, Articles but I will recommend you to write Unique Articles minimum 25–30 Articles, each Articles minimum 500 words,
Use copyright-free images,
While sending for Adsense approval don’t use other ad networks.

How can I earn money on a blog?

It is a very hot topic. Now if you haven’t started a blog and still searching for an answer to this question, then my friend it's going to be very difficult for you to make money out of it.

The best tip anyone could provide is - Focus on the brand value of your blog, not on the money you can generate out of it.

Without readers, you’ll get nothing. So focus on the content and the brand value of your blog. Write for readers, not for money.

Now going straight to your answer- How to earn money out of a blog?

There can be various sources to generate money from your blog. That includes affiliate marketing, direct ads, Promotional/sponsored posts, Ads through 3rd parties like Google Adsense, etc.

Google Adsense is the first choice of any newbie blogger, you must have already heard about Adsense.
Always write healthy and unique content. Don’t copy from anyone. Apply for AdSense and wait for the approval. After the approval, you can place ads on your blog. The more viewers you get, the more Adsense earnings you’ll get. But to make a good amount of money through Adsense, there are two conditions:

Either get some quality traffic from countries like the US, Australia, UK, etc (Tier 1 &2 Countries)

Adsense works mainly on CPC & CPM. CPC is the biggest factor to earn from AdSense. Clicks on ads from the traffic of Tier 1 countries have the highest CPC (cost per click) followed by Tier 2, then Tier 3 & so on. My highest CPC to date is $9, awesome right?

P.S. Don’t get trapped by the myth of high CPC keywords. To be very frank this is useless & time-wasting. Just select keywords that have a high search rate.

Now coming to the Direct ads. No blogger would be happy by earning a lot with Adsense, though I am not talking about exceptions. Make a good amount of money, Adsense is not good. Yes, Adsense doesn’t care about the actual worth of your traffic. 

Affiliate Marketing is king. The best source of income is through a blog. Promote products by doing reviews, sharing offers, and coupons. etc and use your affiliate/referral link inside the posts and you’ll get affiliate income. If anyone purchases anything from your affiliate link, you’ll get your commission.

My highest income through a click -

with Adsense -$9

with Affiliate Marketing - more than $100

But I am telling you again, don’t run for money from the start. Focus on your content and on your audience. Try to get more audience rather than making more money. Peace!

Darshan Blogs

Multifaceted blogger exploring diverse topics with passion and expertise.

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