class 12 physics mechanics chapterwise important question ,new syllabus 2078,2079

 class 12 physics chapter-wise important question based on the new syllabus 

mechanics (each and every question carries 8 marks)
  • 1.                (a) Compare the equations of angular motion with the equations of linear motion. (b) Define angular momentum. (c) A disc of the moment of inertia 5 x 10-4 kg m2 is rotating freely about axis o through its center at 40 r.p.m. as shown in Fig. Calculate the new revolutions per minute (r. p. m.) if some wax of mass 0.02 kg is dropped gently on to the disc 0.08 m from its axis. [Ans: 32].
  • 2.                (a) Write a relation between the moment of inertia and torque. (b) Describe work and power in rotational motion. (c) What is the power output in horsepower of an electric motor turning at 4800 rev/min and developing a torque of 4.30 Nm? Ans: 9.91 W = 0.0133 hp.
  • 3.  (a) Define angular momentum. (b) A planet revolves around a massive star in a highly elliptical orbit. Is its angular momentum constant over the entire orbit?  (c)  A string is wrapped around the rim of a wheel with a moment of inertia of 0.20 kg m2 and a radius of 20 cm. The wheel is free to rotate about its axis as in Fig. Initially, the wheel is at rest. The string is now pulled by a force of 20 N. Find the angular velocity of the wheel after 5.0 seconds.                                                       Ans: 100 rad s-1
  • (a) Describe the work and power in rotational motion with their expressions. (b) A mass of 2 kg is rotating on a circular path of radius 0.8 m with an angular velocity of 14 rad s-1. If the radius of the path becomes 1 m, what will be the value of angular velocity? [Ans: 28.16 rad s-1
  • The angular velocity of a wheel increases from 1200 to 4500 rev/min in 10 Compute its angular acceleration and sec. the number of revolutions during this time.Ans: 117t rad s-2, 475 
  • A wheel starting from rest is rotating with a constant angular acceleration of 3.0 rad s-2. An observer notes that it traces an angle of 120 radiations in a 40 sec. interval. For how long the wheel had been rotated when the observer started his observation?Ans: 8.0 sec
  • A disc of mass 2 kg and radius 20 cm is free to rotate about an axis through its center and perpendicular to the disc. If a force of 50 N is applied tangentially. Calculate the angular acceleration. Ans: 250 rad s-2
  • A constant torque of 20 Nm is exerted on a pivoted wheel for 10 seconds, during which time the angular velocity of the wheel changes from zero to 100 rpm. When the external torque is removed, it is stopped by friction in 100 sec. Find (i) the M.I. of the wheel (ii) the frictional torque (iii) the revolutions made by the wheel in 100s.Ans: (i) 19.09 kg m2 (ii) 2 Nm (iii) 91.67
  • A flywheel has a moment of inertia of 4 kg m2 about an axis through its center and is rotating 120 revolutions per minute. What constant opposing torque is required to bring it to rest in 5 sec.? Ans•. 10 N
  • A disc of the moment of inertia 5 x10-4 kgm2 is rotating freely about axis I through its center at 40rpm. Calculate the new revolution per minute (r.p.m) if some wax of mass 0.02 kg is dropped gently onto the disc 0.08 m from an axis.  Ans: 0.796 rpm
  • Define a simple pendulum. What are the drawbacks of a simple pendulum?
  • A pendulum clock is taken to the moon. Will it gain or lose time? Can a simple pendulum experiment be done inside a satellite?
  • ii what is the relation between uniform circular motion and S.H.M.?
  • Suppose a hole is dug in the earth through its center. A ball is dropped into the hole. Will the ball return to the thrower? Explain.
  • A man with a wristwatch in his hand falls from the top of a tower. Does the watch give the correct time during the free fall?
  • Define simple harmonic motion. Find an expression for displacement, velocity acceleration, and period of a particle describing S.H.M.
  • What is a simple pendulum? Show that the motion of a simple pendulum is simple harmonic for small amplitude. Find an expression for its period.
  • What are the characteristics of simple harmonic motion? Derive an expression for the period of such a motion.
  • Show analytically that the total energy of a body executing simple harmonic motion is independent of the position of the body during its motion.
  • The amplitude of a particle executing S.H.M. with a frequency of 60 Hz is 0.01 m. Determine the maximum value of the acceleration of the particle. Ans: 144 m s-2
  •  A small mass of 0.2 kg is suspended from a spring and produces an extension of 0.015 m. The mass is now set into vertical oscillations of amplitude 10 mm. What is the period of oscillation? Ans: 0.25 s
  •  A small bob of mass 50 g oscillates as a simple pendulum with an amplitude of 5 cm and a period of 2 s. Find the velocity of the bob and the tension in the supporting thread when the velocity of the bob is maximum? Ans: 0.05 m s-1, 0.49 N .
  •  A particle that is attached to a spring oscillates horizontally with simple harmonic motion with a fréquency of (l/:t) Hz and total energy of 10 Joules. If the maximum speed of the particle is 0.4 m s-1, what is the force constant of the spring? What will be the maximum potential energy of the spring during the motion? Ans: 500 N In-I, 10 Joules .
  •  If the potential energy of a particle during S.H.M. is 2.5J when displacement is half of the amplitude, find the total energy. Ans: 10 J
  •  A body of mass 0.5 kg suspended by an ideal spring oscillates up and down. The amplitude of oscillation is 0.5 m and the periodic time is 1.57 seconds. Determine (i) the maximum speed of the body (ii) the maximum kinetic energy (iii) the total (iv) the force constant of the spring.Ans: (i) 2 m s-1 (ii) 1 J (iii) 1 J (iv) 8 N m-l
  •  The vertical motion of a huge piston in a machine is approximately simple harmonic with a frequency of 0.5 s-1. A block of 10 kg is placed on the piston. What is the maximum amplitude of the piston's S.H.M. for the block and piston to remain together? Ans: 0.99 m
  • i. A small body of mass 0.1 kg is undergoing S.H.M. of amplitude 1.0 m and period 0.2 s.
  • (a) What is the maximum value of the force acting on it? (b) If the oscillations are produced by a spring, what is the constant m-l of the spring? Ans: 98.7 N, 98.7
  • (a) State the law of flotation. (b) Establish the relation between surface tension and surface energy. (c) Find the work done in blowing a soap bubble of surface tension 0.06 Nm-l from a 2 cm radius to a 5 cm radius. [Ans: 0.003168 Jl (a) Describe surface tension and explain its principle. (b) In a surface tension experiment with a capillary tube, water rises up to 0.1 m. If the same experiment is repeated on an artificial satellite which is revolving around the Earth, what will be the height raised in the capillary? Ans: [Full length of the capillary tube] 
  • (a) Define capillarity and angle of contact. (b) On what factors does it depend? Where is the angle of contact obtuse, acute, or zero degrees? (c) A raindrop of radius 0.3 mm has a terminal velocity of 1 m/s in air. The viscosity of air is 18 x Poise. Calculate the viscous force on the drop. [Ans: 101.73 x 10-9 N]
  •  (a) Differentiate between laminar and turbulent flow. (b) Describe Reynolds's number. (c) A steel sphere of radius 2 mm attains a terminal velocity of 0.85 cm s-1 in a liquid at 200 C. Calculate the viscosity of the liquid at 20 o c. [Density of steel = 8000 kg m-3, density of the liquid 1300 kg m-31. [Ans: 7 N sm-21
  •  (a) Describe Poiseuillel s formula. (b) Explain the equation of continuity. (c) Water is flowing steadily through a horizontal pipe of a non-uniform cross-section. If the pressure of water is 4 x 104 N/m2 at a point where the cross-section is 0.02 m2 and the velocity of flow is 2 m/s. What is the velocity and the pressure at a point where the cross-section reduces to 0.01 m2? [Ans; 4 m/s, 3.4 x 104 N/m2 ]
  • A cube of wood floating in water supports a 200 g mass resting at the center of its top face. When the mass is removed, the cube rises 2 cm. Find the volume of the cube. Ans: 1000 cm
  • A cork has a density of 200 kg m-3. What fraction of the volume of the cork is submerged when the cork floats in water? The density of water = 1000 kg m-3. Ans: 1/5
  • Two capillaries of diameters 02 mm and 0.4 mm respectively are immersed vertically in water. If water rises to a height of 15.0 cm in the first tube, what is the height of the water column in the second tube?    Ans: 7.5 cm
  •  Water rises in a capillary tube to a height of 8 cm. Calculate the height to which a liquid rises in the tube when the tube is immersed in the liquid. [Surface tension of water is 7.0 x 10-2 N rn-l and that of the liquid is 5.0 x 10-2. The angle of contact of the liquid is 300 and its density = 800 kg m-3. Ans: 6.2 cm
  •  Two identical drops of water are falling through the air with a steady velocity of 10 cm s-1. If the drops combine to form a single drop, what would be the terminal velocity of the single drop? Ans: 15.9 cm s-1.
  •  There is a 1 mm thick layer of glycerine between a flat plate of area 100 cm2 and a big plate. If the coefficient of viscosity of glycerine is 1.0 kg m-l s-1, then how much force is required to move the plate with a velocity of 7 cm/s? Ans: 0.7 N
  •  Calculate the work done in breaking a drop of water of 2mm diameter into million droplets of the same size. The surface tension of water is 72 x 10—3 Nm-l.Ans: 8.96 x 10-5 J
  •  What should be the pressure inside the air bubble of 0.1 mm radius situated, just below the water surface? The surface tension of water = 7.2 x 10-2 Nm-l and atmospheric pressure = 1.013 x 105 Nm-2. Ans: 1.027 x 105 N rn-2

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