interrelationship among Health, population and Environmental Education

 Interrelationship among Health, population, and Environmental Education


Health, population, and environment education are integrated because they are related to each other. Change in contents, methods, etc. in one subject affects another subject. For example, the growth of the population adversely affects the various aspects of health and environmental education. If the environment is not clean and healthy, it may cause diseases to living beings. Proper management of the population contributes to making a healthy environment which helps to improve the health of living beings.
In totality, health, population, and environmental education are supplementary to each other. main areas are physical, biological, economic, social and cultural, psychological, and political aspects. Moreover, science and technology are the main disciplines to directly interrelate health, population, and environmental education.

 physical aspect

For example, population pressure is high in developed cities like Kathmandu Pokhara, Biratnagar, and others. Physical facilities affect health services. Health services are generally available in places where the availability of physical facilities is good and adequate.

Biological  aspect

The biological aspect is the sum total of all the living beings and their associated things in the environment. Various aspects of health and population education are related to biological aspects. Biological aspects include plants, animals, insects, and micro. organism, birds, etc. The physical aspects of the environment affect biological aspects. Human beings get their food, medicines, and other necessities from the biological environment. For example, population pressure is high in the areas where livestock farming and agricultural production are better. The people of such places can get nutritious food. They also begin to take care of their health.  This explains the interrelationship among the various aspects of health, population, and environment. 

Economic aspect

The economic aspect is a major field in a society that influences various aspects. Human beings can conduct economic activities based on their surrounding environment and population size. All the raw materials used in the industries come from the environment. Similarly, people produce goods according to the demand of the population. Poverty adversely affects health and the environment. One of the causes of environmental degradation is also poverty. It causes environmental degradation, which creates several environmental problems in the country. These problems gradually develop an environmental imbalance. The environmental imbalance results in degradation of land and water quality, decrease of productivity of land, and other adverse effects. These factors deteriorate the quality of life.

 Socio-cultural aspect

Human beings have created social and cultural rules and regulations. Social customs, festivals, religions, and traditions are some examples of our social system. Various aspects of health, population, and environment are correlated to each other.

 Science and technological aspect

Nowadays, the rapid advancement of science and technology is taking place. Its development has made our life easy and we can do many things easily. It has been creating new things and conducting numerous experiments on the earth. Some of the innovations are extremely useful to living beings while some of them are harmful if not used properly. It has created different types of dangerous weapons like nuclear bombs. It has also discovered nuclear power. They are dangerous to the earth if misused. If the outcomes of science and technology are used properly, we can get many benefits for the development of the country. So, these outcomes help greatly to develop the field of health, population, and environment, and that ultimately leads to achieving our goals. 

 Psychological aspects

The psychological aspect is related to the attitude, thinking, and feeling of human beings that ultimately determine their behaviors.  Generally, human behavior is the main factor, which influences all human activities related to health, population, and environmental education. People may produce waste, cut down trees, kill animals, become carefree, have nasty habits, produce more children, and live a miserable life.
We should develop a good habit that helps to manage our environment properly. We should treat all living beings properly as they are helpful to us in different ways. We must protect and preserve animals, birds, insects, and even moths that are on the earth. The people of every house should have the feeling that they should manage their surroundings themselves. They can manage solid wastes at the local level and keep their surroundings clean and healthy. This helps to protect ourselves from various diseases and to be healthy. People must be positive towards their life and plan their families accordingly. It creates a better situation for health, population, and environment.

 Political aspect

The political aspect refers to the activities associated with the governance of a country
through power exercise of leadership. It affects every field of the country. It determines policy and programs of health, population, and environmental education. Political commitment to these areas makes a great difference in the planning and implementation of their programs. This also influences other fields and activities. Proper political commitment helps to protect our environment. Protection of the environment helps to make a healthy and sustainable environment. It facilitates to development of healthy human resources in the country. Healthy and productive human resources are essential to carry out development activities in the country. 

Darshan Blogs

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