Need and importance of quality of life

Need and importance of quality of life

 Quality of life is, obviously, a cornerstone of happiness and satisfaction. It is generally believed that human life cannot be considered as successful and significant unless there is quality life. Since human society was not so developed during the ancient period, there was no sharp focus on quality of life. Besides, it did not carry great significance due to the level of public concern and lack of civic sense. But the present age is a period of competition and materialistic development. So, greater focus and concentration have been made towards quality and prosperous life.

What and how much development and progress have been made today in the world is all for the sake of human welfare. For this reason, each and everyone today is motivated and interested to have more information about the need, importance, and usefulness of quality life.

fulfillment of basic needs

A family with a quality of life can also pay ample attention to fulfilling the additional needs of the family. Unless the basic needs are fulfilled, one cannot achieve quality of life. After fulfilling basic needs, one can think further about additional family needs.

we live in a society and we have various needs to meet. Family welfare can be if a family lives in harmony with each other. It is easy to maintain quality in a family that fulfills all sorts of needs of its members. Therefore, a family with a quality life can manage economic, social, and psychological needs easily and accessibly.

Attainment of quality education

As we know, education is considered enlightenment that properly guides a man. So, education is a prime requisite and fundamental component for making life prosperous. Such type of change and development is possible only due to the change in thinking, attitude, and behavior of the mass.    

 Families with quality of life often have not to be deprived of privileges for the attainment of education, thereby expanding their social mobility and opportunities for higher income. So, they have good access to quality education. A good job means getting enough money to support a family. Consequently; if a family leads a quality life, children can be provided easily and accessibly proper education so that they can gain the knowledge and skill required for competitive and good jobs.


 Management of health services, facilities, and sanitation

Health services, facilities, and sanitation are •very important for the preventive and promotive health of the family. The family having quality of life can easily manage health facilities in the family as well as in the community. S/he can initiate a cleanliness campaign in the community to assure a healthy environment. People living in a healthy environment can enjoy good health.

The ultimate goal of quality life is to keep family members physically and mentally Sound. As a matter of fact, necessary health services and facilities can be made available easily and accessibly for each and every family member if the family Possesses a quality life. Apart from this, quality life makes an outstanding contribution in keeping the surroundings clean and green as well as in maintaining sanitation in the family, locality, and community In this way, families with quality life can help make family members, neighbors, relatives, friends aware of individual cleanliness and family sanitation. Above all, quality life can, no doubt, contribute to making homes, premises, and surroundings clean and green.

Facilities of maternal and child welfare

A family with a low income cannot afford health facilities. It drives towards poor health of the mother as well as children. As a result, maternal and child mortality is reduced in those families.

A growing number of maternal and child health problems make the government's task to provide comprehensive health care extremely difficult. As Nepal has still been placed in the rank of developing countries, sharp focus and top priority should be given to maternal and child care. For this purpose, resources and means should be, at any cost, made available accessibly. Besides, technical health knowledge should also be imparted massively. As such, the living standard of the family plays a crucial role in this respect. Thus far, maternal and infant mortality rates can be reduced through proper management of health services and facilities required for maternal and child welfare which are possible only in the family with quality life.

 Opportunities of income generating activities and employment

In addition. quality life carries great significance as well from the economic point of view. As we are av. aware, without economic development, there is no question of developmental infrastructure. A measuring rod of economic development is per capita income. So per-capita income is the fundamental component of making quality life. If we like to improve the economic condition of an individual, family, community, and the country at large, income-generating activities should be, first of all, created accordingly. An increase in per capita income implies the standard of living which tends to be high. When income increases, people will be able to manage their needs properly.

In a family where the number of young people is constantly increasing, further pressure is exerted on the demand for jobs. Consequently, if the family is having a quality life, members of the family can have the opportunity to attain quality education and at the same time to get skill-oriented training. In this way, educated family members be able to make them capable and efficient in any circumstance in keeping with the time and situation. Such family members are, as usual, always ahead of getting well-paid jobs and who become self relent.

maintaining gender equality

. In other words, women empowerment is to make women socially, culturally, politically, and economically self-sustained. If women are empowered, not only the family but the whole aspects of the nation will be advanced and qualitative. The family has a quality of life has a positive attitude towards the education of all the family members. They do not have unnecessary superstition and gender discrimination attitudes. As a result, they educate their children irrespective of gender. This will result in raising the status of women in the family. Similarly, the women of such families have employment opportunities as compared to the women of having low quality of life. If women have equal access to different decision-making processes, the family members have good relationships and understanding.

In many societies, women are valued only in their reproductive roles. They have limited access to positions of influence and power, as well as fewer occupational choices and lower earnings than men.

For this reason, quality of life is inevitable for the career development of women. So, suffice it to say that quality of life plays a crucial role in providing outstanding contributions to women's empowerment.

Darshan Blogs

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