tips for personal growth and development

tips for personal growth and development

 Best ways to improve your personality?

  1. Invest in your own personal hygiene like flossing your teeth, cleaning your mouth, wear cologne.
  2. The quality of your cloth does not really matter, but make sure they are always clean, proper combination, and well-ironed.
  3. If you must gossip about other people, let it be positive, e.g. Mr. Mark is such a hardworking person and he is contributing positively to this organization. When such gossips get to Mr. Mark, he will like you more.
  4. If you must give feedback, make sure you keep to the rules of what, where, and who.
  5. Show respect for other person’s opinions.
  6. Admit it anytime you receive constructive criticism. Nobody is above mistake.
  7. Always keep an attentive posture, lean forward slightly, and let the other person do the talking.
  8. Avoid spreading discouragement, encourage people, and teach them what you know and they don’t.

some good tips for personal development

  1. Stop wasting time on porn tube sites.
  2. Don't follow the crowd, follow your own way. Do what you love.
  3. Limit your social website activities.
  4. Don't only learn from success stories, learn from failure stories “why did they fail'? Find it and learn from it.
  5. Try to be a good presenter in-office meetings. Trust me, it will lead you to a successful career.
  6. Control your emotions and try to be proactive.
  7. Chase your vision and dream. Success will start following you.
  8. Try to be creative. You should maintain a diary to list your creative ideas.
  9. Make an awesome and productive video that is related to your career and upload it to your YouTube account.
  10. Be practical. Life will be easy.
  11. When you are working, use your smartphone only for calling, not for any other purpose like gaming, checking notifications, etc.
  12. Make a daily routine and strictly follow it.
  13. Learn 5–6 languages.
  14. Read self-help books like The Power of Now-Echkart Tolle, The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari-Robin Sharma, and Outliers-Malcolm Gladwell.
  15. Focus on your career and make plans rather than being involved in a stressful relationship.
  16. Always come to the office on time.
  17. Stop chasing and impressing the opposite sex (or the same sex).
  18. Don't be materialistic.
  19. Expect nothing from anyone.
  20. Always try to give your 100% effort.
  21. Build powerful habits.
  22. Memorize your colleagues’ and subordinates’ names.
  23. Understand office politics.
  24. Be mysterious and never express everything.
  25. Learn excel advanced level which is the most underrated skill in the world. Still the most powerful skill.
  26. Improve your leadership skills by enhancing communication skills and negotiation skills.
  27. Learn programming, web design, and graphics design.
  28. Take up any interesting hobby like playing guitar, photography, or blogging. It will accelerate your career.
  29. Be a better listener and meet new people.
  30. The attitude of continuous improvement and life-long learning.
  31. Be disciplined.
  32. 21-day challenges for personal development.
Have you at any point seen that when you're feeling terrible, you frequently haven't done a great deal of the inward work that typically encourages you? Furthermore, it's considerably more diligent to feel any inspiration to do those things when you're not feeling such as yourself. Here I am sharing the list of best tool names that help with personal growth and also improve self-development.

21 Days Challenge
Make Me Better
Journey app
Fabulous Daily Routine Planner
Success Mentor
“Journey app helps you take control when you feel like your world is in chaos.”

Personal development should be a high need in today's all life. If everyone frequently hesitates while chipping away at objectives, these personal development applications will assist you with remaining focused and improving your efficiency.

What is the best thing to say to someone when they’re depressed?

You should say the following 5 things:

  1. “I see that you’re having a hard time.” People feel better when they’re understood and not judged or analyzed.
  2. “I’m here for you.” Depression is very isolating and alienating. Depressed people feel a sense of relief when they don’t feel so alone in their pain.
  3. “You don’t have to figure this out on your own.” Depressed people often believe that they have to figure out on their own how to fix themselves. Then they feel guilty when inevitably, they can’t. They feel a lot less guilty and a lot less overwhelmed when they’re reassured that they don’t have to fix things all by themselves.
  4. “Are you thinking of hurting yourself?” You should always ask a depressed person if they’re having suicidal thoughts or plans because you could prevent a tragedy by getting them immediate help.
  5. “Let’s get you some professional help.” Depression is a mental illness and it needs to be treated by qualified mental health professionals. Just like any illness, it won’t go away by thinking different thoughts or going for a brisk walk.

You shouldn’t say the following:

  1. “Snap out of it.” This is an illness. They can’t just snap out of it. They need mental health help in the form of psychotherapy and often they’ll need medication as well to alleviate their symptoms and their suffering.
  2. “You brought this on yourself.” People don’t make themselves depressed with a bad attitude. They become depressed because of a profound loss they’ve experienced and/or because they’re genetically prone to depression. This type of statement only makes them feel bad about themselves and more depressed.
  3. “It’s not so bad.” To the depressed person who feels helpless, hopeless, and unable to see the light at the end of the tunnel, it really is that bad. When you minimize their experience you only make them feel worse.
  4. “It’s going to be okay.” You have no idea how it’s going to be. Telling a depressed person something like this will only make them lose their trust in you because they’re not sure if it’s going to be okay at all. They don’t need your cheerleading; they need your empathy right now.

What are the tips for personal growth?

  •  You have clarity over your priorities.
  •  You have clear boundaries.
  • You are happily sacrificing temporary gratification for your dream.
  • Others' opinions stop bothering you.
  •  You understand your value and stop defining yourself with others' praise or criticism.
  • You can gain trust easily.
  • You stop craving attention.
  • You are okay with being disliked by some.
  • You are fine with being misunderstood.
  •  You witness yourself acting differently in a similar situation to the past.
  •  You are more sensitive to others' feelings.
  • You stop asking people, you become a giver.
  • You start taking responsibility for your actions.
  • you start accepting your flaws.
  •  You are no longer a victim of your situation you take charge.
  •  You don't pursue an escape route.
  • .You start believing in yourself.
  • You start keeping your word.
  •  You stop saying things to impress others you are your authentic self.
  • You start discussing solutions instead of problems.
  • You start enjoying the little things in your life.
  • You align yourself with your principles.

Darshan Blogs

Multifaceted blogger exploring diverse topics with passion and expertise.

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