what are some good habits to follow?FAQ

Good Habits to follow

What are good habits?

A positive good habit is a good habit that requires effort. For example, running.
A negative good habit* is a good habit that requires a lack of effort. For example, not eating fast food.
A positive bad habit* is a bad habit that requires effort. For example, eating fast food.
A negative bad habit is a bad habit that requires a lack of effort. For example, not running.
Let’s say you sit on your couch all day doing absolutely nothing. You are neither running nor eating fast food. Negative habits are easier to maintain than positive habits. We just don’t recognize our negative good habits. If you want to start recognizing your negative good habits, open up a calendar, and then mark every day you don’t do whatever you think is a bad habit. You’ll find a lot of good habits are easier to maintain than you realize.

Why are good habits important?

Good Habits are important for the following reasons
  • Improved productivity
  • Better physical health
  • Mental wellbeing
  • Improved relationships
  • Increased self-discipline
  • Better decision-making

How can I develop good habits?

you can develop good habits, socially, mentally, and physically which are listed below;
  • Close your social media IDs.
  • Cut off some unwanted people from your life.
  • Make some genuine friends.
  • Start Saying No to people.
  • Stop being available every time.
  • Never think about the past and future.
  • Involve yourself in some work to not think about anyone
  • Forgive people.
  • Forgiving yourself.

  • Avoid junk food
  • Drink more water
  • Start having a balanced diet
  • Have a good breakfast
  • Start doing exercise
  • Get up early in the morning
  • Sleep early at night to complete the above-mentioned point.
  • For success:

some special points

  • Read books
  • Set goals
  • Work hard
  • Try again after failure
  • Stay motivated
  • Talk with people who failed, worked hard, and then got success.
  • Start writing something daily.
  • Sit with your grandparents and parents to get a life-living experience.
  • Go on some adventure trips.
  • Make some good hobbies.
  • Work with some NGOs on the ground to know the reality of life.

Well if you see practically it takes 21 days to make a routine which even your subconscious realizes. but later on, it takes 90 days for it to turn into a habit.

What are some examples of good habits?

those habits which give us a positive mindset are called good habits. for example meditation, waking up early, and reading books.

Can good habits improve my mental health?

 Regular exercise can benefit the body in numerous ways physically, and mentally as well. It encourages blood flow to the brain and allows for clearer focus and thinking. It raises the heart rate to strengthen your body because we tend to get weaker as we age. It also helps to strengthen our immune system, as many folks with mental health disorders tend to get ill frequently. Regular exercise boosts mood and motivation and increases endorphins. It may also provide for social interaction, which tends to suffer when people feel isolated and withdrawn. It helps us feel more confident in ourselves and keeps us “in shape,” whatever that means to each person.

Read. If you don’t read, you ain’t going anywhere. Read at least 30mins a day.

  • Take care of your appearance, You won’t believe how much more self-confident and energetic you will feel by simply doing this.
  • Organize your life. Keep your room tidy. Keep your table clean. Keep a calendar for your appointments and things to do and organize your life around that. You won’t believe how much it can make you feel you are in control of your life by simply doing this.
  • Give up on social media. Visit sites like Coursera, Blinkist, etc, that gives you knowledge, news, and useful information, not gossip or someone’s else life that has absolutely nothing to do with you.
  • Stop sticking your eyes on the smartphone while walking. Look up, observe the people, and observe your surroundings.
  • Constantly challenge yourself mentally.
  • Stop the gossip and complain. Losers talk about people, achievers talk about issues, and visionaries talk about ideas.
  • Research on something. Always set something for yourself to research, your kid's education, investment plan, how to use excel more effectively, how to boil different types of eggs, how to calculate probability, or simply any general knowledge that will be useful to your daily life
  • Any idea you have, or things you want to do, write it down immediately. Any new knowledge you learn, write it down immediately, explain it to yourself like t a 5 yrs old, and try to teach it to someone if possible
  • Learn public speaking, the most useful skill one could have.

Good habits to follow for becoming a successful person

  • They take full responsibility for their life and actions
  • Prioritize & do the most important tasks first
  • Create their own morning routine
  • Daily meditation or mindfulness practice
  • Make health & exercise a priority
  • Read & learn continuously
  • Persistence & perseverance
  • Not afraid to fail
  • Self-awareness
  • Gratitude
  • Have a support system
  • Discipline & self-control
  • Hone their craft daily & sharpen the saw
  • Consistency
  • Surround themselves with like-minded achievers
  • They are goal-oriented
  • Proactive: they take initiative
  • Manage their emotions
  • Follow through with what they say (no excuses, only results)
  • Communicate clearly
  • Good listener
  • Value alone time
  • Love the journey more than the result

what are productive habits?

Keep a plain paper and note down things you are doing: studying, surfing, working out, etc with time. You will become more productive.
Give 5 mins before sleeping thinking about how the day passed and how you could have done better (Infosys founder N R Narayan Murthy)
Have a small, but good friend circle and few who are superior to you in a few aspects
If you are talking on the phone for long, use an earphone. You can do other work as well :) :)
If you are traveling long, you can watch some YouTube videos to learn a new skill or course
Always balance economy with Arts. Economy means job, career, money, and Arts including reading literature, learning a musical instrument, or learning painting
Drink 2–3 glasses of lukewarm water before sleeping.
Learn when and how to say No to others. It will save lots of energy and time of yours
Optimize Internet usage. Keep a minimum number of apps on your phone and uninstall social media apps. Log out each time when you log in. Mute people whose posts distract you.
thank you.

Darshan Blogs

Multifaceted blogger exploring diverse topics with passion and expertise.

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