what small business will be best for Nepal and why?

 what small business will be best for Nepal and why?

starting a small business in Nepal.

A small business in my opinion doesn’t mean less profits - It means Less Operations and Less Manpower but High Profits with Low Cost.
Being able to generate high profits means using your knowledge of how markets work, automating with technology, and teamwork to produce the best services or products at the lowest possible cost.

How I see small businesses as the main growth engine now - The definition of ‘small business’ has changed over time. It used to be a domestic business struggling to stay open in an increasingly competitive marketplace. The expanding soft power of global and technology businesses coupled with a shift away from high capital-intensive businesses has meant small businesses now have a chance to compete on an even playing field with larger businesses and make good profits.

 starting a profitable real estate business in Nepal 

We at REGROB have created a lean and profitable business model in the real estate industry and we are looking for aspiring entrepreneurs from Nepal as our franchisees.

We are looking to open Country Master Franchisees, City Master Franchisees,s and Area Franchisees in Nepal. You may discuss it with me by sending me a direct message here on quora.

There are many possible profitable businesses in Nepal. I will discuss one of the most profitable ones.

One sector is consistently booming - that is “Real Estate”

9 Top Reasons Nepal Real Estate is Growing -

The govt. departments are seeing high revenues from sell purchase of real estate across big and small cities of Nepal. Nepal G.D.P. has also been growing for the last few years and that has been a boon for Nepal real estate. In 2020, Nepalese GDP stands at almost USD 3100 crores at around 7% annual change. Growing GDP always grows the real estate first.
Nepal real estate is a need of people, a want of people, and the best investment avenue for Nepali people also.
Fast-growing Tourism, Industries, Foreign Investment, and high urbanization is also growing in Nepal Real Estate.
These days, owning a piece of property in Nepal is considered an investment that can pay huge returns over time.
Real estate is still seen as a safe haven for the young generation even if their parents or grandparents also invested consistently in real estate. 
The Nepali government practically encouraged local and foreign investors to buy so that overall construction activity increased 55% year-over-year to USD 14.8 billion in 2019.

Real estate developers have emerged as one of the strongest growth sectors in Nepal with an increasing number of Nepali investors buying properties.
Real estate is a big business in Nepal. With ample opportunity, wealth creators are seeking to expand their footprint in this fast-developing industry. Real estate agencies represent various parties with varying degrees of experience and expertise in managing land and property leasing/purchasing.

Why Real Estate Business is perfect in Nepal - Real estate business has a lot of charm as it is a high ticket sales and high margin business. It is a need of people, they will buy homes to live in or shop/offices to run their business anytime too.

Some of the reasons for choosing the real estate business are below -

90% of all millionaires/billionaires come from real estate.
A lot of demand - It is a necessity for people. 
High Profits - Good revenues as it is a high-value transactions business.
In the Nepali community, there are a lot of young professionals who want to get hold of better opportunities but are not sure where to start. They are interested in entrepreneurship and start-ups but lack additional support.

Real Estate is considered as second or third of importance after health and education among the development priorities of the Nepali population. Real estate development is one of the easiest and least risky methods to earn lucre through establishing a business as well as providing jobs to the local community.

Nepali real estate is experiencing a property boom, with prices increasing year-on-year.

How you can set up your profitable real estate business with Regrob in Nepal - Regrob is a well-established and fast-growing real estate company in India. It has 50+ profitable franchisees in India. We have many state master franchisees in India who have set up their big business and expanding it too.

We have revolutionized the real estate consultancy business with our unique online-to-offline business strategy. Our franchisees are happy and profitable Lot.

We are looking for Nepal Country Master Franchisee & City Master Franchisees. If you are looking to start your real estate business in Nepal then let’s discuss.

We have worked with many factors over the years and our USPs are

technology backed venture
covering big geography
real estate business with big demand
Asset light model
Passive Income Model
Our franchisees have also taken many awards. For example, I am sharing one picture of our state master franchisee of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana -

In the last few years, I have interacted with many prospective entrepreneurs who have started their real estate business successfully. They are now able to earn handsomely with our setup and also able to earn their freedom.

Real estate is business in its purest form. It deals with people and properties. It's decent competitive, very skilled, highly motivated, and requires zeal to get started but the rewards are immense.

Real estate in Nepal is a very hot topic these days. You don’t have to be an expert in everything to get started on your path toward prosperity.

To help you set up the right profitable real estate company, we have put together all the tools, knowledge systems to make you successful. You will get mentorship and support from our top-notch team also.

Real Estate Business gives you grand rewards because the ticket value is high and margins are good too.
source: quora

How can I start a business in Nepal with low investment?

First of all, do a good market survey. If there is a lack of cafes in your locality, you can get in that niche and start a cafe with small investments and later grow. Or if people near you want an online store of a certain thing, you can get in that and start a small business in that sector.

My point is to give people what they want.

Second, consider how much money is required.

Third, keep some backup money and don't invest every single rupee while investing. The first few months most probably won't go into profit. If your business runs fine, you can recover your investment though.

Register your business. Here are some small businesses you can start. Also be wary that your business can fail so have a fail-safe or a backup plan before you start the business.

E-commerce store: Find what people want to get through online buy/sell. Find out if you can afford it, if you can develop a website, or start selling them through online selling groups or a page.

Coffee/tea shop - Find a local hot spot where youths gather, rent/buy a place, make the place good enough to hang out, make good tea/coffee along with some smokes, drinks, and snacks, and start selling

Handicraft - improve your skills, produce your craft, spend a bit on marketing, and start selling. Make sure to do some market surveys and make what people want. You can sell online or through a store.

Small IT or Digital Marketing office - Get your skills upgraded and make connections, make quality products, and start selling.

What's the scope of small and family businesses in Nepal?

 · More than 80% of our economy is estimated to be informal.

This means the transactions are high in cash and tax is not paid on goods, services, and profits. One of the main reasons is that we are continuing small and medium-sized family-based businesses.

Further, if we see large corporate houses like CG, IMS, Jyoti Group, etc they are also family-based or family-controlled businesses.

So yes family-based businesses have a tight grip and control over the Nepalese economy.

Let's talk about scope now.

Will this continue or it has to change?

From my perspective, it will continue. Because of the size of the economy, this business doesn’t require to be listed in stock exchanges to raise capital. Besides these, large business houses have direct and indirect control over banks, investment companies, etc. They can play safe and they can play wild too.

Unless there comes a huge competition and unless there is adequate presence of skill set of manpower family-based businesses will tend to run the economy.

Darshan Blogs

Multifaceted blogger exploring diverse topics with passion and expertise.

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